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Hi, I'm Iljitsch van Beijnum. Dit zijn algemene netwerk-gerelateerde posts.

→ Software Engineering Radio: Iljitsch van Beijnum on Internet Routing and BGP

I love podcasts. So I'm every happy to be interviewed about BGP on Software Engineering Radio:

Iljitsch van Beijnum, author of the book BGP: Building Reliable Networks with the Border Gateway Protocol discusses internet routing and BGP – the border gateway protocol used by ISPs to update routing information. Host Robert Blumen spoke with Iljitsch about the topology of the internet, autonomous systems (AS), regulatory bodies that coordinate the AS space, IP addresses, the assignment of IPs to ASs; tier-one ISPs, carriers, and home/business ISPs; Internet routing; the path of a packet; routing tables, what they contain, and how they are constructed; routing algorithms; BGP and its role in updating routers with the knowledge of routes held by other routers; and BGP messages. Drill down into the update message. How updates progress from BGP into routing algorithms and then routing tables. What can go wrong. Attacks on BGP.

Permalink - posted 2021-07-13

VLANs on the Mikrotik hAP ac³

For my BGP lab/training setups I have a bunch of routers, real or virtual, that each need several IP addresses to talk to other routers. VLANs are the perfect way to keep all of this manageable: with VLANs, it's possible to have separate IP interfaces, but still just use a single Ethernet port to hook everything up. Simple unmanaged switches simply forward the packets to the right port without looking at the VLAN header, so no need to configure the network.

Until I got my Mikrotik hAP ac³ this week...

Full article / permalink - posted 2021-04-04

Ethernet cables in the post-gigabit era

As I'm preparing for the arrival of more > 1000 Mbps Ethernet equipment, I did an inventory of the Ethernet cables I've collected over the years. Turns out there's more variety than expected: I have cat 5 UTP, cat 5e UTP, cat 5e STP and cat 6 STP...

Full article / permalink - posted 2021-03-30

Review: Cable Matters USB 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet adapter

I think it was in 2016 that 2.5 and 5 Gigabit Ethernet was standardized. After a year or two the first USB to 5GE adapters started to appear at about €/$ 100 and about two years ago the first €/$ 50 2.5GE ones. Right now, there's a ton of USB 2.5GE adapters at good prices.

I got a Cable Matters one for € 31 off of Amazon.

Full article / permalink - posted 2021-03-03

Winner doesn't take all: IPv6 is now a success, even at 25% deployment

We shouldn't gauge the success of IPv6 by looking at how much IPv6 replaces IPv4, but by how much IPv6 complements IPv4. And it's already doing that quite well today by making IPv4aaS (IPv4 as a service) possible. And IPv4aaS will make ISPs require IPv6 when peering with streaming services and other big content providers.

Permalink - posted 2020-01-23 - 🇳🇱 Nederlandse versie

IPv4 now also exhausted in Africa

As of a few days ago, IPv4 has run out in all regions in the world, as AFRINIC, the Regional Internet Registry that serves Africa, has now reached IPv4 exhaustion phase 2.

For more on the IPv4 exhaustion over the last decade, see my story The rise of IPv6 and fall of IPv4 in the 2010s.

posted 2020-01-16

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