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Hi, I'm Iljitsch van Beijnum. Dit zijn algemene netwerk-gerelateerde posts.

→ HTTP/2 finished, coming to browsers within weeks

So HTTP 2 multiplexes multiple transfers over a single TCP session. It would be cleaner to do this using SCTP, which implements multiple streams natively. But having to figure out whether you can use SCTP or need to use TCP would be a significant complication, while negotiating the use of HTTP 2 over TCP port 80 should be relatively straightforward.

I'm glad the mandatory encryption didn't happen. Encryption is important, but there are times where it's unneeded, and forcing people to use it when they don't want/need it would just make for even more carelessness with certificates than we're already seeing today. For instance, the server serves the exact same copy of this webpage to anyone who requests it, so there's no point in encrypting it. Encryption would just add more time consuming round trips, use more battery power, and require me to buy a certificate.

Apparently most of the browser makers are already on the case, no mention of Safari, though. I'm interested to see how much faster HTTP 2 will be in practice.

Permalink - posted 2015-02-18

Comparing open source routing platforms

Over the weekend, I wrote posts about trying out OpenBGPD and BIRD.

Here's a bunch more information about these two and other open source routing software...

Full article / permalink - posted 2015-02-02

The BIRD Internet Routing Daemon

Yesterday, I talked about my first experience with OpenBGPD. Which of course raised the question: why not use BIRD instead? It's a lot more mature. So I gave it a try.

Full article / permalink - posted 2015-02-01


As part of my BGP training course, I explain to the participants that they can get BGP either by buying a router from the likes of Cisco or Juniper, or by running routing software such as Zebra, Quagga or OpenBGPD on a Unix (-like) operating system. Then I always mention that I haven't tried OpenBGPD yet, but I really should.

There's no time like the present, so I decided to take the plunge today.

Full article / permalink - posted 2015-01-31

IPv6 as seen by Google doubled from 2.75 to 5.5% in 2014

Google has been measuring how many of its users have working IPv6 for some years now. At the beginning of 2014, this number was 2.75%; higher during weekends, lower on weekdays. We ended the year close to 6%, but then when we all went back to work in 2015, we dipped right back down below 5%!

Permalink - posted 2015-01-15

IPv6 addresses and AS numbers in 2014

After yesterday's final yearly IPv4 address report, I thought that today, I'd look at the other numbers the five Regional Internet Registries give out: IPv6 addresses and autonomous system (AS) numbers.

Full article / permalink - posted 2015-01-09

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